Now a days this is a most sort out topic for debates in colleges and school.Before starting let me say a few words,here i am not intending to blame anyone for this i am just scribilling my thoughts over it.Yeah we live in INDIA -A country which is famous for its rich heritage and culture but fortunately or unfortunately we have glorified our culture over women freedom.A set of rules for girls regarding their dressing ,about their behavior in public ,how they should be in social media and the list goes on....Its a common sight in india in every corner we can see some one staring unnaturally at a boy and girl going together.Most often they define them uncultured , even they go upto an extend stating the girl as slut.
Now a days this is a most sort out topic for debates in colleges and school.Before starting let me say a few words,here i am not intending to blame anyone for this i am just scribilling my thoughts over it.Yeah we live in INDIA -A country which is famous for its rich heritage and culture but fortunately or unfortunately we have glorified our culture over women freedom.A set of rules for girls regarding their dressing ,about their behavior in public ,how they should be in social media and the list goes on....Its a common sight in india in every corner we can see some one staring unnaturally at a boy and girl going together.Most often they define them uncultured , even they go upto an extend stating the girl as slut.
Daily we come across vedeos in social medias regarding a mob attacking a girl and boy,calling some abusing words.And it have a heading ,they were caught sitting together and kissing.I am just wondering if they found some one pissing on the road side they dont have any problem but if some one found kissing then there aroses our culture.Quite Funny ha :-)
On this Women's Day let us prove to be responsible human being.Respect women who serves many roles starting from mom,sister,lover, wife.......No one is a born Rapist so besides thinking about punishing the rapist let us think about reducing rapes.Also putting limits to a girls freedom is not the remedy besides make surroundings safe for her.Let her enjoy all those we do, she really deserve that.